Ling Liu

A researcher on data science.


博士,英国杜伦大学(Durham University)电子商务及信息系统方向博士,研究方向:在线信誉机制评估 指导老师:Prof. M. Munro and Dr. W. Song

硕士,英国杜伦大学硕士(优等— Msc with Distinction),专业:互联网系统和电子商务

ACCA财务培训,英国伦敦K&K College 接受管理和财务知识培训




北京师范大学(珠海分校)商学院,教师 主讲课程包括:管理信息系统(双语授课),电子商务系统分析与设计,网络营销,ERP应用与实践(实践课),电子商务策略管理

北京纽美克数据转换公司(Formax BPO Beijing INC),项目经理



Ling Liu, Jing Wu, Ping Li, Qing Li, 2015. A social-media-based approach to predicting stock comovement. Expert Systems with Applications, 42(8), pp.3893–3901.

Qing Li, TieJun Wang, Ping Li, Ling Liu*, Qixu Gong, Yuanzhu Chen, 2014. The effect of news and public mood on stock movements, Information Sciences, Volume 278, Pages 826-840.

Ling Liu*, Malcolm Munro, Systematic analysis of centralized online reputation systems, Decision Support Systems, Volume 52, Issue 2, January 2012, Pages 438-449, ISSN 0167-9236, 10.1016/j.dss.2011.10.003.

Ling Liu, Qing Li, Yun Xu, Yan Zhang. “Firm Celebrity, Reputation and Performance: A Social Media Perspective” the Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS 2014), (Chengdu, China)

Liu L., Munro M and Li Q. `The Pursuit of Quality Outputs --- The Assessment of the Output of Centralized Reputation Systems', CNAIS2013

Ling Liu, ZhangXi Lin, HaiChao Zheng, Jui-long Hung, 2012. ‘How Credit Scoring System and Reputation System Match Together --- A Research Agenda’, Workshop on Business Process and Services, ICIS Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA.

Liu, L., Munro, M. and Song, W. 2010, Evaluation of collecting reviews in centralized online reputation systems, in ‘the 6th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies’, Valencia, Spain.

Liu, L. 2010, On-line Flight Search For Low-Cost Airlines, ProQuest LLC, ISBN: 9781109613230

Liu, L. 2011, Systematic Measurement of Centralized Online Reputation Systems, ProQuest LLC, ISBN: 9781124744988